Congratulations to Jess who has been announced as the recipient of the Monash University Vice Chancellor's Excellence award for Diversity and Inclusion.
Jess has been developing and implementing approaches...
The Current Developments in Cluster Randomised Trials and Stepped Wedge Designs annual conference recently took place in London (November 14-15, 2022). This meeting gathers together the top researchers worldwide in...
Congratulations to Rory on receiving the 2021 Head of School Excellence award at the Monash University School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine annual awards day.
Thank you to all our special invited guests, speakers and audience members (both in person and on Zoom) who joined us at the Melbourne Brain Centre on the 7th of...
Congratulations to Ghazaleh on being awarded an Early Career Researcher Award as part of the MCRI 2022 Stimulus Awards, for her project entitled “ Statistical methods for handling missing data...
The Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA) pays tribute to the outstanding contribution by people across the sector involved in investigator-led clinical trials on International Clinical Trials Day, which is held...
Congratulations to PhD student Parinaz Mehdipour who won the International Conference on Plasmodium Vivax Research 2022 Student Prize for Greatest Potential for Future Impact for her presentation on Bayesian Within-host...