Prof Andrew Forbes receives Excellence in Trial Statistics award from Anne Kelso, NHMRC CEO

The Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA) marked International Clinical Trials Day with their National Tribute and Award Ceremony. The Proton pump inhibitor vs. histamine-2 receptor rEceptor blockers for ulcer Prophylaxis...

Congratulations to Parinaz, Elizabeth and Jiaxin who have each been awarded a $5,000 top-up scholarship from the Statistical Society of Australia.

Of the four scholarships awarded in this first...

ViCBiostat summer school 2021

Registration is now open for our annual series of workshops in February. Held online this year, in the form of a half-day session each day, we hope to (virtually) see...

Dr Jessica Kasza

Congratulations to Dr Jessica Kasza of Monash University on the award of her ARC Discovery Project, titled "Increasing the efficiency and interpretability of stepped wedge cluster randomised trials".


Andrew Forbes has been elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (AAHMS).

In welcoming the newly elected Fellows at the 2020 Scientific Meeting...

The ViCBiostat executive committee submitted a response to the MRFF Priorities 2020-22 Consultation, highlighting the need for targeted and ongoing support for the biostatistics sector in Australia. The core of...

Julie Simpson, ViCBiostat Lead Investigator and Head of the Biostatistics Unit and the Melbourne Clinical and Translational Sciences Platform, has been awarded the 2020 Australasian Epidemiological Association mentoring award....

ISCB41 2020

ViCBiostat members (virtually) flew to Krakow, Poland for the 41st Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics.

An Invited Session organised by John Carlin with...

Dr Jessica Kasza was recently welcomed as President of the Statistical Society of Australia, for a two-year term. The SSA is the home for statisticians working in Australia, and represents...

ViCBiostat investigators and postdocs are co-investigators on trials awarded over $12 million in funding from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).


Parinaz Mehdipour has won the first prize at Statistical Society of Australia Young Statisticians Network’s Virtual Poster Pitch Competition.

As the winner, Parinaz will be presenting her research at...

The Opportunity

You will contribute statistical expertise to a portfolio of clinical trials and related projects being conducted on the Melbourne Children’s campus within the work program of...